David Alan Carmichael Engaging the culture on the issues of the day from a biblical worldview
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Monday through Thursday
11 to Noon (Eastern)
Preservative Talk Radio
Nooga-Radio 92.7 FM & 95.3 FM-HD4
Chattanooga Tennessee
Stanley Treleaven, of The American Foundation and the Virginia Christian Alliance. The Issues of the Day are Moral, Not Political.
Perverted Parental Perspective Prefers Perpetrator Preservation – Which by-standers are innocent? In whose hands ought the law to be taken? Should the perpetrator of a crime get a pass on intervention because their mother loves them?
Police Stops Examine Your Resolve To Protect The Integrity of The Constitution – Is your duty to show your papers, since you have them; or is it to ‘pass-the-test’ regarding your ‘first-duty’ to uphold the law of the land?
Herb Titus – Foundations Attacked By Lawrence v. Texas – Herb Titus explains the foundations of law that are attacked by Lawrence v. Texas and explains the predictable catastrophic results from the dementia-based opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices. Herb has a God-given gift of teaching us how to anchor our perspective.
Reject Co-dependency To Psychosis – Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia are each showing signs of co-dependency to the psychosis of gender identity confusion. They’ve left the boundaries of their state constitutions, having bureaucracies fumble through the quagmire of faux-legislation while lacking competency.
Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Announces Her Adultery – The day after Sgt. Robert Forest announced his retirement, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry announced her adultery with Mr. Forest. She intends to remain in office, as she considers her actions as mere mistakes. Has Mayor Barry violated any of the Ten Commandments of Public Service?
IInstitute On The Constitution and Justification of Voucher Support of Education – Guest Pastor David Whitney introduces Chattanooga to the Institute On The Constitution. The 2nd half, time-21:00, the Host discussed the justification for churches and communities establishing schools were religion is the foundation of the education and the schools supported by voucher.
Xenophobia – Friend or Foe? – Xenophobia is a phenomenon of the 1st law of thermodynamics. It is the counter to the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
D.A.C.A Dissected – What Does The Revealed Law Say About Immigration Policy? – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is actually a misnomer for a DHS memorandum that somehow got -unconstitutionally- morphed into a program providing an appearance of an application-property-right. The partisan passion of the media has smoke-screened the truth of the situation.
Civil Disobedience – Is It Christian Conduct? – Minister Samuel West (1776) and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., both advocated ‘civil disobedience. Is Romans, chapter 13 a prohibition against civil disobedience?
Memphis Pastor Past Perpetration Publicly Paraded – Following in line with the previous broadcast, the publication of Pastor Andy Savage’s apparent aggravated sexual assault twenty years ago upon a 17-year-old youth-ministry participant reinforces the need for parents preparing posterity to practice propriety.